Mtg 4 Lrng: Invitation to experience sacred chant and dance

2017-03-12 @ 9:15 am – 10:45 am

Topic: Invitation to experience sacred chant and dance with Sylvia O
Are you familiar with sacred chant and dance? My first experience was several years ago at Baltimore Yearly Meeting, where it was presented as an ancillary event where Friends of diverse ages, races, cultures, etc. gathered outside in a circle and sang simple chants while walking hand-in-hand in a circle and doing other easy movements. It was a joyous experience of connecting with each person and being on a spiritual path together!
Circle dance is an ancient practice celebrating community and togetherness, a spiritual practice that can be fun, calming and gently healing. It honors the circle of life, love, loss, the seasons, and work. While moving, the wholeness of one’s body, mind and spirit embraces the words and rhythms, and keeps us connected to the center and to one another. After each dance and/or chant, we pause in the stillness and silence, where we can become aware of the Divine Presence flowing from within us and encircling us.
Learning the chants and movements is easy, and no experience is necessary as all the dances are taught first. No partner is needed as we all join hands and dance together.
I’d love to share this with you. Please come and give it a try. If you have any questions, just call (410-224-6708) or email me (, or catch me at meeting for worship.
Meeting for Learning is sponsored through Ministry & Worship.