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Meeting for Worship
As the Religious Society of Friends of Truth, our time of worship is called a Meeting. We meet in silence, centering on the Inner Teacher, the Divine or whatever name you choose for that which is aligned with the highest and best good imaginable. All are welcome.
For Early Meeting for Worship, we meet in person in the meeting room or outside on the patio, weather permitting.
For more information, contact the Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee at ministry-
For more information, contact
Meeting for Worship
As the Religious Society of Friends of Truth, our time of worship is called a Meeting. We meet in silence, centering on the Inner Teacher, the Divine or whatever name you choose for that which is aligned with the highest and best good imaginable. All are welcome.
This is a blended meeting, both in person at ANnapolis Friends Meeting House or on Zoom.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 650 269 455 Passcode: 241727
For more information, contact the Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee at ministry-
This month’s Children’s Religious Education Committee Meeting will be held at a member’s home. For location or more information, contact
Meeting for Worship
As the Religious Society of Friends of Truth, our time of worship is called a Meeting. We meet in silence, centering on the Inner Teacher, the Divine or whatever name you choose for that which is aligned with the highest and best good imaginable. All are welcome.
For Early Meeting for Worship, we meet in person in the meeting room or outside on the patio, weather permitting.
For more information, contact the Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee at ministry-
For more information, contact
Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business
Once per month on the first First Day of the month, Friends meet to conduct the business of the meeting at the meetinghouse and via Zoom. All are welcome. Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business gives Friends an opportunity to practice several of our testimonies as we carry out the practical work of maintaining our faith community.
This is a blended meeting, both in person and on Zoom.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 997 0125 7502 Passcode: 528262
For more information, contact the Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee at ministry-
Meeting for Worship
As the Religious Society of Friends of Truth, our time of worship is called a Meeting. We meet in silence, centering on the Inner Teacher, the Divine or whatever name you choose for that which is aligned with the highest and best good imaginable. All are welcome.
This is a blended meeting, both in person at ANnapolis Friends Meeting House or on Zoom.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 650 269 455 Passcode: 241727
For more information, contact the Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee at ministry-
Memorial Service for Wes Jordan
For more information, contact
Storage Pod Drop Off
For more information, contact
Meeting for Worship
As the Religious Society of Friends of Truth, our time of worship is called a Meeting. We meet in silence, centering on the Inner Teacher, the Divine or whatever name you choose for that which is aligned with the highest and best good imaginable. All are welcome.
For Early Meeting for Worship, we meet in person in the meeting room or outside on the patio, weather permitting.
For more information, contact the Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee at ministry-
For more information, contact
Foundations of Quakerism: Seekers’ Series
6. Quaker Worship And Vocal Ministry –
What has been your experience of Quaker worship; have you had a range of experiences; do you have questions? We’ll explore the intentions and experiences of Quaker worship; we will also talk about how we discern whether to speak in Meeting or not – what is the nature of vocal ministry that distinguishes it from just sharing ideas? What do we mean by Holding someone in the Light? Is that different from praying for them?
This will be a blended meeting in person and on Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 830 3731 8463
Passcode: 155340
For more information, contact ministry-pastoral