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Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee Meeting on Zoom.
Those wishing to attend who are not on the committee, please contact the co-clerks in advance to let us know of your plans.
For more information, please contact
Meeting for Worship
As the Religious Society of Friends of Truth, our time of worship is called a Meeting. We meet in silence, centering on the Inner Teacher, the Divine or whatever name you choose for that which is aligned with the highest and best good imaginable. All are welcome.
For Early Meeting for Worship, we meet in person in the meeting room or outside on the patio, weather permitting.
For more information, contact the Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee at ministry-
For more information, contact ID: 817 0175 4178
Passcode: 732434
Meeting for Worship
As the Religious Society of Friends of Truth, our time of worship is called a Meeting. We meet in silence, centering on the Inner Teacher, the Divine or whatever name you choose for that which is aligned with the highest and best good imaginable. All are welcome.
This is a blended meeting, both in person at ANnapolis Friends Meeting House or on Zoom.
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 650 269 455 Passcode: 241727
For more information, contact the Ministry and Pastoral Care Committee at ministry-