Dancing for Fun!

2022-11-03 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Tired of being uncomfortable on the dance floor? Men, women, break that cycle and have FUN!
If you want to feel free to simply dance for fun — 12 left feet or Fred Astaire — or, if you enjoy watching others who like to dance, join me at the Meeting House on Thurs., Nov. 3rd from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
I too often hear people say how they ‘wish’ they could dance so they could have the fun they see others having but… Yup, too self-conscious and therefore uncomfortable.
    I’ve danced my whole life and am a good dancer and absolutely love it. But much more importantly, my joy is contagious. And I’ve been asked to share my joy with you, and some tips.
I’ll use Rock&Roll music, introduce you to a few basics (and equally important, attitudes) to free you to open up to lots of fun. This will connect you with others in a way that’s different and playful. And, oh yes, it’s time to let yourself let go of ‘who’s watching me?’ (BTW, no one is — they’re too busy being self-conscious themselves!).
There’s so much heavy stuff going on and we’ve been isolated for way too long. Time to let go, join others and have fun in the process! All you have to do is show up and the rest will simply happen.
Questions? Email me. And I’d appreciate knowing if you’re planning to join in.

3 responses on “Dancing for Fun!

    1. Mary Barbera Post author

      The Annapolis Traditional Dance Group meets monthly at our meeting house. Check their listing on our calendar for a contact name.

    2. afmadmin

      Hi Diana – Annapolis Traditional Dance Society has resumed post covid English Country dances but haven’t scheduled any contra dances yet, alas.

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